Whose “Clean” Development? Communities Speak Out
Our analysis, and that of many communities and organisations across Asia, is that the CDM is an...
Read MorePosted by admin | Jun 18, 2012 | Climate & Environment, Publications
Our analysis, and that of many communities and organisations across Asia, is that the CDM is an...
Read MorePosted by admin | May 24, 2012 | Climate & Environment, Publications
Climate finance is a key element of a global agreement to address the impacts of climate change....
Read MorePosted by admin | Mar 26, 2012 | Opinion/Analysis
I arrived in Athens on Kathari Thefthera or “clean Monday” — the first day of the Lenten...
Read MorePosted by admin | Jul 4, 2011 | Climate & Environment, Systemic Alternatives, Trade and Investment
Nicola Bullard* By trying to find a balance between the present and the future without a fundamental rethinking of development, the Bruntland Commission’s approach to sustainability looks – in hindsight – naïve. Yet at the...
Read MorePosted by admin | Jun 10, 2011 | Climate & Environment
by Nicola Bullard & Tadzio MüllerGAIA: Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance/Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives Who is in it? What is the purpose?GAIA is a worldwide alliance of more than 650 grassroots groups,...
Read MorePosted by admin | Jun 9, 2008 | 1Post Types, Español
por Nicola Bullard y Bea Moraras* Después del dramatismo que se vivió en Bali, la conferencia de Bangkok sobre el cambio climático (31 de marzo – 4 de abril) fue más bien aburrida. Al Gore no descendió de las alturas, no...
Read MorePosted by admin | Apr 11, 2008 | Climate & Environment
Nicola Bullard* and Bea Moraras After the high drama of Bali, the Bangkok climate change conference (31 March – 4 April) was a dull affair. Al Gore did not descend from the heights, no daring delegate told...
Read MorePosted by admin | May 26, 2007 | Español, Opinion/Analysis
[English] por Nicola Bullard* (Este artículo fue publicado en Critical Currents , No 1, mayo 2007, Dag Hammarskoljd Foundation Considerando la centralidad del petróleo no solamente en la geopolítica actual sino también en...
Read MorePosted by admin | May 25, 2007 | Deglobalisation, Trade and Investment
[Espanol ] Nicola Bullard* This article, along with others, was published in Critical Currents, No 1, May 2007, Dag Hammarskjod Foundation. {xtypo_dropcap}G{/xtypo_dropcap}iven the centrality of oil not only to current...
Read MorePosted by admin | May 23, 2006 | Español, Opinion/Analysis
LA SABIDURÍA DE WALL STREET por Nicola Bullard* Hay algo que perturba en la imagen de Kofi Annan “tocando la campana” de la Bolsa de Nueva York. El Secretario General estuvo allí presentando la capitulación...
Read MorePosted by admin | May 5, 2006 | Opinion/Analysis
Nicola Bullard* There is something disturbing about Kofi Anan “ringing the bell” at the New York Stock Exchange. The Secretary General was there to launch the UN’s latest capitulation to the market: the...
Read MorePosted by admin | Dec 28, 2005 | Francais, Opinion/Analysis
[English] Par Nicola Bullard “Ne demandez pas ce que vous pouvez apporter à l’ONU mais ce que l’ONU peut vous apporter” (avec toutes nos excuses à John Kennedy). Lorsque le Président des Etats Unis,...
Read More¿MISIÓN IMPOSIBLE DE LAMY? por Nicola Bullard * En el mundo de las negociaciones comerciales libre de personalidades, Pascal Lamy es inmediatamente reconocible. Su cabeza casi rapada y su porte enjuto y famélico,...
Read MorePosted by admin | Sep 23, 2005 | 1Post Types
por Nicola Bullard* Esperamos que cientos de miles de personas llenen las calles de Edimburgo el 2 de julio en la manifestación “Make Poverty History”. Sabemos que la mayoría de ustedes se vestirá de blanco. Pero esperamos que...
Read MorePosted by admin | Sep 20, 2005 | Opinion/Analysis
[Français] Nicola Bullard* (A short version of this paper was published in “ONU: droits pour tous ou loi du plus fort? Regards militants sur les Nations Unies,” CETIM, Geneva, 2005. Contact Julie Duchatel for more...
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