
Author: Anisa

ใบแถลงข่าว — หัวข้อ: เจาะลึกกรอบทางเศรษฐกิจอินโด-แปซิฟิก: ภาคประชาสังคมแสดงความกังวลต่อผลกระทบที่อาจเกิดขึ้นจากการเจรจาการค้าแบบปิดลับ

กรุงเทพฯ, 13 กันยายน 2566 English Version...

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IPEF and the battle for critical minerals: Implications on environment and human rights

Joseph Purugganan delivered the intervention at the IPEF Fifth Negotiating Round: Bangkok In-Person Stakeholder Listening Session, which was held on Thursday, 14 September 2023 at the Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok. Photo by: Galileo de Guzman Castillo.

IPEF and the battle for critical minerals: Implications on environment and human rights

by Joseph Purugganan* Thank you for this opportunity to speak at this stakeholder listening...

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Emancipating Farmers, or Land Owners? The New Agrarian Emancipation Act needs a revalidation of ownership in agrarian lands 

Ahead of President Bongbong Marcos’ State of the Nation Address (SONA) farmers raise doubts whether the recently signed new agrarian emancipation law that seeks to condone agrarian debts will indeed benefit farmers or favor instead landowners who have managed to regain control over agrarian lands. 21 July 2023. Quezon City. Photo by J. Purugganan

Emancipating Farmers, or Land Owners? The New Agrarian Emancipation Act needs a revalidation of ownership in agrarian lands 

PRESS STATEMENT:  Emancipating Farmers, or Land Owners? The New Agrarian Emancipation Act needs a...

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