
Author: admin

Zed Books Statement

Zed Books wishes to express its unreserved admiration and support for Walden. Weare dismayed and horrified that any circles, no matter from what political position they may claim to originate, should not understand the...

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Delhi Science Forum Statement

Dear Colleagues in Focus, We are all shocked at the veiled death threat issued to Walden Bello, Lidy  Nacpil and others by the Communist Party of Phillipines (CPP). CPP has  become increasingly intolerant of...

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MONLAR, Srilanka Statement

Dear friends of Focus,We are shocked and surprised to hear this terrible situation. We have associated ourselves with the work that Walden Bello has been doing and his struggle against Globalization for more than a decade. We...

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Face à la Dette et au Désastre

Voici un soulagement durable pour les Peuples du Sud !Nous tenons à exprimer notre grande peine et notre solidarité envers les peuples du Sri Lanka, de l’Inde, de l’Indonésie, de la Thaïlande, de la...

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In the face of Debt and Disaster:

Francais Freedom from Debt Coalition and Jubilee South Statement We express our deepest sympathy and solidarity for the peoples of Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and many other South countries who are currently...

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