Dear friends of Focus,
We are shocked and surprised to hear this terrible situation. We have associated ourselves with the work that Walden Bello has been doing and his struggle against Globalization for more than a decade. We have no hesitation in identifying and naming Walden as o­ne of the  most convincingand uncompromizing campaigners in the world against the totally destructive operations of global capital. Therefore we cannot understand at all, how Walden Bello could be named a counterrevolutionary. Looking at  this decision  we feel many others who have been similarly listed “counter revolutionaries”  could be similar. We totally condemn the
attempts made to threaten and weaken the civil society struggles and processes such as the “World Social Forum” and the role of scholars and movements that have effectively “de-legitimized ” structures such of world capitalism.  The methods such as eliminating through assasination of such activist and those who hold different views is to be totally condemned.
We endorse the Statement sent below, condemning this action and would circulate the same to all our contacts in Sri Lanka and globally with an appeal to endorse it and do all that is within their capacity to remove this  and similar threats and to demand for open and democratic discussion for understanding and settling differences.