“We have seen ten years of deceit under the WTO. We are protesting because we cannot continue to watch the WTO take away the lives and livelihoods of farmers, peasants and workers across the world,’ said Walden Bello, Executive Director of Focus on the Global South.

Across the auditorium, signs were held up with the words in many languages: ‘Stand by your people’ and the ‘WTO Kills Peasants’.
Protestors demanded that developing country members of WTO reject the hollow development package.
“There is nothing on the table at the WTO that is going to benefit developing countries. Developing countries must reject what is on offer. It is a case of ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’.
This was echoed by several developing country delegations who held press conferences before the plenary.
See the video of the action
For more information, please contact Brett Solomon on +852 6497 2675