(Paris, June 20, 2011) Hundreds of civil society organisations (CSOs), including farmers’ movements, women’s groups and non-governmental organisations, will launch a global appeal against farmland grabbing during the G20 meeting on Agriculture in Paris on June 21 and 22.

Over 500 organizations from around the world (1) have joined the “Dakar Appeal Against Land Grabbing” that was originally drawn up at the World Social Forum in Dakar last February (2).

While agriculture ministers from the world’s 20 richest countries are discussing what to do about food price volatility and the growing hunger crisis, millions of hectares of fertile land, along with their water resources, are being grabbed from peasants, pastoralists, herders, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples and traditional healers to be converted into massive agribusiness operations by private investors who want to produce food supplies or agro-fuels for international markets. As a consequence, millions of peasant families and other rural and indigenous folk are being thrown off their lands and deprived of their livelihoods. 

During a major academic conference on land grabbing earlier this year in Brighton, UK, research studies of over 100 cases of “large scale land investments” were presented. They generally show no positive effects for local communities (3). On the contrary, in many cases people are being evicted and pushed into poverty.

In the Dakar Appeal, being handed over to the French Government chairing the G20, major CSOs are calling upon governments to immediately cease all massive land grabs and return the plundered land to communities. At the moment the G20 facilitates land grabbing by supporting RAI (referred to as PRAI in the draft G20 text). 

The organisations call on the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to definitively reject the World Bank-driven principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI) which are illegitimate and cannot bring equity to land grabbing, and to develop effective mandatory guidelines for land tenure that respect and protect peoples’ rights especially the right to food. Instead an inclusive process at CFS should be launched on what kind of investments are needed to support small holder food producers.
The petition states that national governments and international institutions should guarantee peoples’ rights to land instead of signing leases with big private investors. Sustainable family farming, agro ecological production models and strong local markets are recognized by many as the best way to feed people and to protect the planet.

Contact persons in Paris:
−    Geneviève Savigny –  Confédération paysanne/European Coordination La Via campesina
−    Romario Rosetto – La Via Campesina Brazil  +33-625551687
−    Antoine Bouhey – Peuples Solidaires/ActionAid, +33-1-48582185
−    Jeanne Moreen Jorand – CCFD +33-1-44828000

(1) List of signatures below
(2) Read the petition below
(3) see http://www.future-agricultures.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=1547&Itemid=978

Dakar Appeal against the land grab

We, farmers organizations, non-governmental organizations, religious organizations, unions and other social movements, gathered in Dakar for the World Social Forum 2011:
Considering that small and family farming, which represent most of the world’s farmers, are best placed to:
•    meet their dietary needs and those of populations, ensuring food security and sovereignty of countries,
•    provide employment to rural populations and maintain economic life in rural areas, key to a balanced territorial development,
•    produce with respect to the environment and to the conservation of natural resources for future generations;
Considering that recent massive land grabs targeting tens of millions of acres for the benefit of private interests or third states – whether for reasons of food, energy, mining, environment, tourism, speculation or geopolitics – violate human rights by depriving local, indigenous, peasants, pastoralists and fisher communities of their livelihoods, by restricting their access to natural resources or by removing their freedom to produce as they wish, and exacerbate the inequalities of women in access and control of land;
Considering that investors and complicit governments threaten the right to food of rural populations, that they condemned them to suffer rampant unemployment and rural exodus, that they exacerbate poverty and conflicts and contribute to the loss of agricultural knowledge and skills and cultural identities ;
Considering also that the land and the respect of human rights are firstly under the jurisdiction of national parliaments and governments, and they bear the greatest share of responsibility for these land grabs;

We call on parliaments and national governments to immediately cease all massive land grabs current or future and return the plundered land. We order the government to stop oppressing and criminalizing the movements of struggle for land and to release activists detained. We demand that national governments implement an effective framework for the recognition and regulation of land rights for users through consultation with all stakeholders. This requires putting an end to corruption and cronyism, which invalidates any attempt of shared land management.

We demand that governments, the Regional Unions of States, FAO and other national and international institutions immediately implement the commitments that were made at the International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ICARRD) of 2006, namely securing land rights of users, the revival of agrarian reform process based on a fair access to natural resources and rural development for the welfare of all. We ask that the elaboration process of the FAO Guidelines on Governance of Land and Natural Resources be strengthened, and that they are based on Human Rights as defined in the various charters and covenants – these rights being effective only if binding legal instruments are implemented at the national and international level to impose on the states compliance with their obligations. Moreover, each state has to be held responsible for the impact of its policies or activities of its companies in the countries targeted by the investments. Similarly, we must reaffirm the supremacy of Human Rights over international trade and finance regimes, which are sources of speculation on natural resources and agricultural goods.
Meanwhile, we urge the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to definitively reject the World Bank principles for responsible agricultural investment (RAI), which are illegitimate and inadequate to address the phenomenon, and to include the commitments of the ICARRD as well as the conclusions of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) in its Global Framework for Action.

We demand that states, regional organizations and international institutions guarantee people’s right to land and support family farming and agro-ecology. Appropriate agricultural policies should consider all different types of producers (indigenous peoples, pastoralists, artisanal fishermen, peasants, agrarian reform beneficiaries) and answer specifically to the needs of women and youth.

Finally, we invite people and civil society organisations everywhere to support – by all human, media, legal, financial or popular means possible – all those who fight against land grabs and to put pressure on national governments and international institutions to fulfil their obligations towards the rights of people.

We all have a duty to resist and to support the people who are fighting for their dignity!
List of signatures

Accion por la Biodiversidad
ACORD (Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development)
ActionAid International
AEFJN (Africa-Europe Faith & Justice Network)
African Biodiversity Network
Agencia Popular de Comunicacion Suramericana
AHVI (African Human Voice International)
Alianza Social Continental
ARPA-ATL (Association Régionale des Producteurs d’Ananas de l’Atlantique)
ASP-DROL (Association Solidarité Pour le Droit au Logement)
ATALC (Amigos de la Tierra America Latina y el Caribe)
AUCS (Associazione Universitaria per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo)
Blue Planet Project
CIEL (Center for International Environmental Law)
Ciranda – International Ciranda of Shared Communication
Corporate Europe Observatory
Daughters of Charity
e-CAN (Ecology and Climate Action Network) – Asia
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
Enda America Latina – Colombia
ENDA Pronat
Equal In Rights
ESAFF (East and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers’ Forum)
European coordination Via Campesina
Europe Solidaires Sans Frontières
Fahamu – Network for Social Justice
Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in West Africa
FIAN (FoodFirst Information & Action Network) International
FIMARC (Fédération Internationale des Mouvements d’Adultes Ruraux Catholiques)
Focus one the Global South
Fondation pour les Femmes Africaines (Congo-France)
Forum Civique Européen
Friends of the Earth International
Gandhi International
Genre en action
Global Justice Ecology Project
GreenPeace Africa
IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development)
INADES-Formation International
Iniciativa contra lo Agronegocios
International Alliance of Inhabitants
IRPAD (Institut de Recherche et de Promotion des Alternatives en Développement)
Jubileo Sur/Americas
Jubilee South Global Debt Network
La Via Campesina
Marche Mondiale des Femmes/World March of Women
Medical Mission Sisters
MIJARC (Mouvement International de la Jeunesse Agricole)
No-Vox Network
PELUM Association Regional Desk
People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty
PIDHDD (Plataforma Interamericana de DDHD, democracia y desarrollo)
Oxfam International
Rainforest Action Network
Red de Coordinacion en Biodiversidad
Red Latinaamericana sobre Deuda Desarrollo y Derechos
School for Wellbeing Studies and Research
Solar Fire
Transnational Institute
World Forum For Alternatives
World Forum of Fish Harvesters & Fish workers
World Rainforest Movement

Amigos de la Tierra
Asociacion civil vada de c del u
Hijas de la Luna
Secretria de Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Sociedad de la Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos
Asociacion civil vida de c del u

WGWG (Women for Green Way for Generation)

Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance
Food Connect Foundation
Friends of the Earth Adelaide

ARGE Weltläden
Caritas Austria
DKA-Austria (Dreikönigsaktion)
FIAN Austria
OBV-Via Campesina Austria

ASD – Bangladesh
Bangladesh Krishok Federation
EquityBD (Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh)

ADG asbl
ASBL (Lessines-afrique)
CADTM (Comité pour l’annulation de la dette du tiers monde) Belgique
Cense Equi’voc
CETRI – Centre Tricontinental
FIAN Belgique
Frères des Hommes
Entraide et Fraternité
La Casa Nicaragua
Les Amis de la Terre – Belgique
Mouvement d’Action Paysanne, Belgique
SOS Faim Belgique

Synergie Paysanne
Nature Tropicale ONG

Centro de Investigacion y Promocion del Campesinado
Centro de Mujeres Aymaras Candelaria
Centro Social y Cultural Ambiental Ina Panqara
Indicep (Instituto de investigacion cultural para educacion popular)
Plataforma Boliviana Frente al Cambio Climatico

Amigos da Terra Brasil
Centro Ecologico
Justicia Global
Jubileu Sul
MMC Brasil (Movimiento de Mulheres Camponesas)
MST Brasil (Movimiento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terre)
Network for Social Justice and Human Rights
Terra de Direitos – OSC

Burkina Faso:
ARDS (Association pour la Réhabilitation des Défavorisés Sociaux)
CAB (Coordination des Associations de Boulmiougou)
FENOP (Fédération Nationale des Organisations paysannes)
FIAN Burkina
RAPDA Burkina (Réseau Africain pour le Droit à l’Alimentation)

APDH (Association pour la Pais et les Droits de l’Homme)

Codas/Caritas Bafoussam
Carré Géo Environnement
CORDAP (Conseil Rural pour le Développement de l’Agriculture et la Pêche)
FAP Cameroun (Forest and Agro Forestry Promoters)
JAA (Jeunesse Africaine Agricole)
RELUFA (Réseau de Lutte Contre la Faim)

BC Food Systems Network
Canadian Biotechnology Action Network
CEFAN (La Francophonie en Amérique du Nord)
Comité logement Trois-Rivières
Council of Canadians
Food Secure Canada
Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain
Groupe de recherche de l’UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal)
National Farmers Union
Purpose Group International
The Social Justice Committee of Montreal
Union Paysanne (Québec)
Women’s Food and Water Initiative (Vancouver Island)


Asociacion Campesina CIPA Carahue
CODEFF – Amigos de la Tierra Chile

Zi Teng (sex workers concern group, Hong Kong)

ATI (Asociación de Trabajo Interdisciplinario)
Censat Agua Viva
CCVC (Coordinacion Campesina des Valle des Cauca)
Corporacion Heritage Colombia
Corporación Sembrar
Fundacion Casa Tres Patios
Fundacion Concern Universal
Fundacion Tropico
Grupo Semillas
Lorenzo Muelas Hurtado – Resguardo de Guambia
Parque Reserva Cerro de La Conejera
Territorio ( grupo de estudio sobre cuestion agraria, uso y tenencia de la tierra en Colombia – Universidad de Antioquia)

Congo Brazzaville:
Compagnie Culturelle N’Dunzi
Solidaires-CADTM (Comité d’Annulation de la dette du Tiers Monde)

Costa Rica:
Asociacion de Pequenos Productores de Cacao de Upala
COECOCEIBA – Amigos de la Tierra Costa Rica
Poder Estudiantil Popular
Retorno a la Tierra Costa Rica

Friends of the Earth – Cyprus

Democratic Republic of Congo:
ADIF (Association pour le Développement des Initiatives Féminines)
Association Villages Durables (Sud-Kivu)
Association pour le Développement des Initiatives Féminines, ADIF
COPACO (Confédération Paysanne du Congo)
Fondation pour les Femmes Africaines (Congo – France)
GRAPR (Groupement de Réflexion et d’Appui pour la Promotion Rurale)
ICCO Great lacs office-Bukavu
RADEM (Recherche et Action pour un Développement Multi-sectoriel)

Africa Contact
NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark

Dominican Republic:
Consejo Comunitario Rural de los Pueblos de Montecristi

Asamblea de Unidad Cantonal de Montúfar
FIAN Ecuador
MTML (Mesa de Trabajo sobre Migraciones Laborales)
Observatorio Sociolaboral y del Diálogo Social en el Ecuador

Housing and Land Rights Network, Habitat International Coalition (Cairo, Egypt)

Equatorial Guinea:
Convergencia para la Democracia Social de Guinea Ecuatorial


Fiji (Islands):
WAC (Women’s Action for Change)

Technology for Life NGO

AFASPA (Association Française d’Amitié et de solidarité avec les Peuples d’Afrique)
Africa Reporters
Agronomes et Vétérinaires sans frontières
AGTER (Améliorer la Gouvernance de la Terre, de l’Eau et des Ressources naturelles)
AITEC (Association Internationale de Techniciens, Experts et Chercheurs)
Altercultures Association
Amis de la Terre France 
Arradon Terre du Monde
Artisans Du Monde Privas
Association Solidarité Guyane
Association Tierra Politis
ATTAC France
AVAD (Association Vision Action Développement)
Carre Géo & Environnement
Centre Mamou
CFSI (Comité français pour la solidarité internationale)
CIFRE (Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche)
Citoyen du monde
Collectif Anti-OGM 66
Confédération paysanne (nationale-Bretagne-79-11-56-12-14-
Coordination SUD
CRID (Centre de Recherche et d’Information pour le développement)
Dole Ecologie
DRL Synergies
Elevages sans frontières
Fédération Nationale « Accueil Paysan »
Fédération Nature & Progrès
Femme et Société
FIAN France
Gamin de l’art rue
GRDR – Migrations, Citoyenneté, Développement
Harmonie Planétaire
Ingalan Bro An Alre (pays d’Auray)
Juristes Solidarité
Le Début des Haricots
Les Jardins de Cocagne
Le Monde selon les femmes
La Paix en marche
Le retour à la terre
Les Trois Pierres (Chambres d’hôte)
Les vents sauvages
MNLE – Réseau Homme & Nature
Panier bio de la vallée
Peuples Solidaires en association avec ActionAid
Secours Catholique – Caritas France
Solidarité Mondiale contre la Faim
Sortir du colonialisme
Survie France
Terra Nuova
Terre de Liens
Terre des Hommes France

National Farmers Platform The Gambia

Assoziation A e.V. Berlin/Hamburg
Brasilien und Uganda Hilfe e.V.
Bremen Information Center for Human Rights and Development
Brot für die Welt
BUKO – Kampagne gegen Biopiraterie
FDCL (Forshungs und dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lanteinamerika)
FIAN Germany
Informationsstelle Peru e.V. Freiburg
Kooperation Brasilien
League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development
Netzwerk Afrika Deutschland
Ohole Ambassadors (Namibie)
Pesticide Action Network Germany
Redaktion Materialien
Society for Threatened Peoples

RAINS (Regional Advisory Information and Network Systems)

Asociacion QÂ’Anil San Juan Sacatepequez
CEIBA – Amigos de la Tierra Guatemala
CONGCOOP (Coordinacion de ONG y cooperativas)
GPDN (Guatemala Peace and Devlopment Network) – Red por la Paz y el Desarrollo de Guatemala
Tzuk Kim-pop

PAPDA (Plateforme Haïtienne pour un Développement Alternatif)

Alianza SARA
Organizacion Fraternal Negra

Gaia Foundation
WHY Hunger

Action Village India
Ekta Mahila Manch
INSAF (Indian Social Action Forum)
JASuL (Joint Action for Sustainable Livelihood) – Tamilnadu
National Campaign Committee for Rural Workers – India
NFFPFW (National Forum for Forest-People and Forest People)
RSS (Rural Reconstruction society)
SLFA (Sustainable Livelihood Farmers Association) – Tamilnadu
Sundarban Banadhikar Sangram Committee

API (Indonesian Peasant Alliance)
Daulat Institute West Sumatera Indonesia
IHCS (Indonesian Human Rights Committee for Social Justice)
Sajogyo Institute-Bogor

CENESTA (Centre for Sustainable Development)

Emerald Green
IMU (Irish Missionary Union)
Presentation Justice Network

AIAB (Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica)
Arcs –Arci Cultura e Sviluppo
Associazione Rurale Italiana
Associazione Universitaria per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo (AUCS)
Centro Internazionale Crocevia
CRBM (Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale)
Fondazione diritti genetici
M.A.I.S. Ong
WILPF Italia (Women International League for Peace and Freedom)

Ivory Coast:
CLUCOD (Club Universitaire Unesco pour la lutte contre la drogue, le VIH/Sida, le tabagisme et les autres pandémies)
INADES-Formation Côte-d’Ivoire
RAPDA Côte-d’Ivoire (Réseau Africain pour le Droit à l’Alimentation)
SNAPRICC-CI (Syndicat nationale des producteurs individuels de café et cacao en Côte-d’Ivoire

CADE/Japan (Centro de Accion para el Desarrollo y el Derecho)
NOUMINREN (Japan Family Farmers Movement)

Daughters of Mumbi Global Ressource Center
FEMNET (African Women’s Development & Communication Network)
Kenya Debt Relief Network (KENDREN)
PELUM – Kenya

Sustainable Development Institute

Action Solidarité Tiers Monde Luxembourg

Collectif pour la défense des terres malgaches – Tany
CPM (Coalition Paysanne de Madagascar)
Fiantso Madagascar
SIF (Solidarité des Intervenants sur le Foncier)

CFJ (Citizens for Justice) – Friends of the Earth Malawi
CHRR (Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation)
The National Right to food Network

Alliance malienne pour refonder la gouvernance en Afrique
AOPP (Association des Organisations Professionnelles Paysannes du Mali)
CNOP (Coordination Nationale de Organisations Paysannes du Mali)
Drums for Solar
Réseau Plaidoyer et Lobbying
UACDDDD (Union des associations et des coordinations d’association pour le développement et la défense des droits des démunis)

Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Mauritania inc.

Alianza Internacional de Habitantes México
AMAP (Alianza Mexicana por la Autodeterminacion de los pueblos)
CECCAM (Centro de Estudios para el Cambio en el Campo Mexicano)
FIAN Mexico
MAIZ Tabasco (Movimiento Agrarista Indigena Zapatista)
Movimiento Mesoamericano de Permacultura
Organizacion campesina movimiento huasteco democratico a.c.
Otros Mundos AC/Chiapas – Amigos de la Tierra Mexico
Prensa Indigena Organizacion
RMALC (Red Mexicana de Accion frente al Libre Comercio)
UNAM Oaxaca
Via Organica

FAN (Food Action Nepal)

Afrika-Europa Netwerk Netherlands
A Seed Europe (Action for Solidarity, Environment, Equality and Diversity)
FIAN Netherlands
Stichting Graal Nederland

Asociacion de Trabajadores y Extrabajadores Afectadoc por Namagon y Fumazonea
IDEMACH (Asociacion Instituto de Desarrollo y Manejo de las Cuencas Hidricas)

ATPF (Aménagement des Terroirs et Productions Forestières)
Niger Delta UPR Coalition
Plateforme Paysanne du Niger

Consumer Protection Organisation of Nigeria
Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth – Nigeria
HEDA (Human and Environmental Devlopment Agenda)
USMEFAN (United Small and Medium scale Farmers’ Association of Nigeria)

Youth of Devlopment Fund

Anjuman-E-Muzareen Punjab Pakistan (A Movement of Landless Peasants)
Lok Sanjh Foundation
NOW (Network on Women Farmers
Pakistan Dehqan Assembly
Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee (Peasants coordination committee)
Saeed Baloch Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum

Colectivo Voces Ecologicas

BaseIS (BASE. Investigaciones Sociales)
CONAMURI (Coordinadora Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indigenas)
Decidamos, Campana por la Expresion Ciudadana
OLT (Organizacion de Lucha por la Tierra)
ONAI (Organizacion Nacional de Aborigenes Independiente)
Pastoral Social Benjamin Aceval
Pro Comunidades Indigenas

FEMUCARINAP (Federacion National de Mujeres Campesinas, Artesanas, Indigenas, Nativas y Asalariadas des Peru)
WILPF Netherland

AMA (Aniban ng mga Manggagawa sa Agrikultura) – Union of Agricultural Workers
CVM (Community of Volunteer for the World)
Moringa Tree Foundation

Instytut Globalnej Odpowiedzialnosci

Solidariedade Imigrante

Puerto Rico:
Comite Resistencia y Dignidad Adolfina Villanueva

Liga Comunistilor din Romania

CESTA – Amigos de la Tierra El Salvodor
UNES (Unidad Ecologica Salvadora)

CARAF (Collectif africain de recherche-action-formation)
CNCR (Conseil National de Concertation et de Coopération des Ruraux)

Sierra Leone:
PACM (Pan-Africanist Community Movement of Sierra Leone)
Sierra Leone Network on The Right to Food

Institute for Sustainable Development

Solomon (Islands):
Village Technology Trust

South Africa:
AIDC (Alternative Information & development Centre)
African Centre for Biosafety
Biowatch South Africa
Itireleng Development and Educational Project
Mupo Foundation
SPP (Surplus People Project)
TCOE (Trust for Community Outreach and Education)
Timberwatch Coalition

Alba Sud
Asociacion Salvar una Vida
Bizilur – Asociacion para la cooperacion y el desarrollo de los pueblos
CERAI (Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional)
CIFAES (Universidad Rural Paulo Freire en Tierra de Campos)
Coordinadora de Pueblos Indigenas de Occidente « Adiact-Agateyte »
Earth’s Keeper, Inc. U.S.A.
Ecologistas en Acción
Ecologista en Accion – Federacion de Malaga
Ecologistas en Accion Palencia
Elkar Sarea Euskal Herria
Federación de Comités de Solidaridad con África negra “UMOYA’’
Federacion d’Ecologistes de Catalunya)
Fundacion Caosmosis
ICID (Iniciativas de Cooperacion Internacional para el Desarrollo)
Ingenieria sin Fronteras Navarra
La Verde s.c.a.
Phagma Drolma – Asociacion para la Solidaridad con el Pueblo Tibetano
Plataforma Rural
Red Andalazu de Semillas
Red de Semillas
Red Latina sin fronteras
Sindicato de Obreros des Campo
Veterinarios Sin Fronteras
Xarxa de Consum Solidari

Sri Lanka:
Action for Peace & Human Rights

FIAN Sweden

Alliance Sud – Swiss Alliance of Development Organisations
L’Autre Syndicat
Bread for all
CADTM (Comité pour l’Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde) Suisse
Déclaration de Berne – Berne Declaration
Groupe Ecosocialiste de Solidarités Suisse
Pax Romana ICMICA
Plateforme pour une agriculture socialement durable
Solidaridad Suecia America latina SAL

Foundation HELP
LEAT (Lawyers’ Environmental Action Team)

FoE Timor-Leste (Haburas Foundation)
Haburas Foundation

ASTERADHD (Association Togolaise d’Etude, de Recherche et d’Appui au Développement Humain Durable)
INADES-Formation Togo
Les amis de la Terre – Togo
RAPDA (Réseau africain pour le droit à l’alimentation) Togo

ADD Medenine (Association pour le Développement Durable)

Ecology Collective

UFFCA (Uganda Fisheries and Fish Conservation Association)
RFA Uganda (The Rights to Food Alliance)
SEBA group

United Kingdom:
ASO (Anywaa Survival Organisation)
Duncan Law
The Global Native
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

United States:
Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association
COHA (Council on Hemispheric Affairs)
Community Alliance for Global Justice/AGRA Watch
Fair Food (Nashville)
Family Farm Defenders
Grassroots International
Let’s Go Farm
PLANT (Partners for Land & Agricultural Needs of Traditional Peoples)
The Oakland Institute
Vermont Coalition for Food Sovereignty

Escuela Agroecologica Naturaleza y Vida
REDES-Amigos de la Tierra

Acción por la Biodiversidad
Africa Human Voice International (AHVI)
Aménagement des Terroirs et Productions Forestières (ATPF)
Asociacion Civil Feriantes de Pirane
Asociacion Misioneros de Jes
Asociación Escuela Ciudadana
CCDE (Center for Community, Democracy and Ecology)
Centro Ecologista Renacer
CEPA (Centre d’Ecologia i Projectes Alternatius)
Corporacion rio Guadalajara
CSMM (Centro de Documentacion en Derecho Humanos Segundo Montes Mozo SJ)
CIDER (Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo)
Codemu (Consejo de desarrollo municipal)
Cooper Institute
CLM (Coordinadora Asociaciones Inmigrantes)
Coordinadora Ni una sola mina
Corporacion Plan y Accion
Ctm Altromercato
Della Zia Productos Organicos
Eine Welt Initiative Korbach
Elkar Truke – Bidezko Merkataritza, Comercio Justo, Commerce Equitable
Femmes et Société asbl
Foro Ecologico del Per
Frenproca (Frente Progresista Caletero)
Fundacion La Iluminacion
Global Initiative for Economic ; Social and Cultural Rights
Hecho en Bs As / empresa social
INADES- Formation / GIZ
ISADO, Magura
Kolectivo El Rebelde
La Gabbianella Onlus
LAND (Life Association for National Development)
Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane I Sedane Labour Resource Center
Mesa Ambiental Region Pacifico
Mocafor Movimiento Campesino de Formosa
MOPAR (Movimiento Popular Oscar Arnulfo Romero
Network Institute for Global Democratisation
ODG (Observatori del Deute en la Globalitzacio)
Observatorio de la Deuda en la Globalizacion
ONG Jeunesse Agricole AfricaineI
ONGI.P.A. Manning
Paz NãºÃ±ez
Quimet Colom Toldrà
s.c.a. La Verde 
SERPAJ AL (Servicio Paz y Justicia en America Latina)
SIF/Solidarité des Intervenants sur le Foncier
Slow food Mar des Plata
Solidariedade imigrante
Sortir du colonialisme  
The Big Carrot Natural Food Market
Union Solidaria de Comunidades Diaguita Cacano
Wamusiru Mundaka of When Rains Fail (WHRAF)