Below is a letter from our Chairman, Surichai Wun’Gaeo:

1 June 2015

Dear all,

As many of you will have heard by now, we are sadly bidding farewell to Pablo Solon, who has been the Executive Director of Focus on the Global South since April 2012.  We at Chula, CUSRI and the region have benefited greatly from his presence.  Pablo will be returning to Bolivia at the end of May, but will continue to work on the same issues, so our paths will no doubt continue to cross.

It is now my pleasure to announce the new Executive Director, Shalmali Guttal. Shalmali has been a key member of the Focus team since 1997. She brings to the role her academic background in social sciences, with a particular emphasis on participatory education and qualitative research, as well as her extensive work experience both within and outside of Focus, which has spanned India, the United States and mainland South East Asia. Since 1991, Shalmali has been researching and writing about economic development, trade and investment, as well as ecological and social justice issues in Asia, with an emphasis on peoples’ rights to land and resources, especially in the Mekong and India. We are confident that Shalmali’s in-depth knowledge, experience and passion make her a perfect leader for Focus, helping to strengthen Focus’ vision and mission to fight for social, economical, ecological and gender justice.

I hope that you will join the Focus Board of Directors and staff in welcoming Shalmali to her new role as Executive Director of Focus.

In Solidarity,

Surichai Wun’Gaeo


Focus on the Global South