
Author: admin

Number 59, February 2001

IN THIS ISSUE Introduction When Davos Meets Porto Alegre: A Memoir Walden Bello There’s something about GeorgeNicola Bullard “We have come to listen”Marjorie Mbilinyi The ‘Established Order’ Gerard...

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There’s something about George

By Nicola Bullard They say that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Well, in the land of Davos, George Soros is an honest man. Or so it seemed by the end of the now almost-famous Porto Alegre-Davos debate —...

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When Davos Meets Porto Alegre: A Memoir

By Walden Bello “Hemingway said that the rich are different from you and me. How can anyone expect the people in Davos to understand the crisis that globalization has visited on the lives of people like those of us here in...

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China : the country the West loves to hate

By Nicola Bullard When the philosopher Kierkegaard wrote “if you marry, you will regret it and if you fail to marry, you will regret it” he may well have been describing the West’s attitude to China. While the...

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