Fishing communities today are grappling with multiple crises; extreme climate events that have devastated their habitats and livelihoods, the economic and health crisis from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and a recent slew of pro corporate neoliberal policies at the domestic and international level.
The latest salvo is from the World Trade Organisation’s 2022 WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies. The Government of India was a resolute opponent of such a trade agreement because of its implications for sovereign domestic policy making but caved in at the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference in Geneva.
What are the implications of international rule making on domestic subsidies? What does the future hold for India’s fishing sector – especially small-scale fishers.
Join us for a two-part dialogue on Policy and Livelihood Challenges for India’s Fishing Communities. The first dialogue will focus on the WTO, the current provision of subsidies and who benefits from them and policy challenges.
The dialogue brings together fisherfolk unions, social movement networks, academics, researchers and civil society organisations.
Click here to Register: https://bit.ly/240922Fisheries
Saturday, September 24, 2022
5-6.30pm IST (GMT+5:30)
- Ranja Sengupta, Third World Network
- Liam Campling, Queen Mary University of London
- John Kurien, Azim Premji University
Shruti Sharma, International Institute of Sustainable Development
- Shalmali Guttal, Focus on the Global South (moderator)
- Responses from Fisherfolk Unions and Social movements