Japan Peace March
2024 July 24
国民平和大行進 広島 2024年7月24日

STORMY UPHEAVALS. And then the memories came flooding back in waves. Quezon City, Philippines. 2024 July 24. Photo by Galileo de Guzman Castillo.
I am Galileo de Guzman Castillo. I come from the Philippines, a country constantly battered by calamities, both man-made and ‘natural’ extreme weather events. The most recent instance of this climate-related catastrophe is Carina (international name: Gaemi), a Super Typhoon that has brought torrential rain and devastating flooding. With it, it has also brought back the trauma of 15 years ago with Tropical Storm Ondoy (Ketsana). Metro Manila has now been placed under state of calamity, with vast swathes of area experiencing severe impacts of massive flooding. Entire neighborhoods, especially those by the riverside such as ours, have been drenched and inundated.
As I watched helplessly as the strong waves engulfed our streets, I pondered: What does “peace” mean under these conditions?
Five years ago, I walked the Aichi and Gifu leg of the 2019 Peace March. I, together with fellow peace marchers brought messages of hope and justice for a nuclear-free and more peaceful and sustainable world. I witnessed and learned firsthand what it means to be a “peace activist” and why marching on the streets remains as one of the most effective and critical tools in an activist’s arsenal for community organizing, popular education, interface with government officials, and grounding solidarity towards collective actions and transformations.
With national and international peace marchers coming from different backgrounds, from various peoples’ struggles, from diverse particularities and contexts, I also saw the greater integration of cross-cutting issues such as climate, environmental, economic, and gender justice, human rights, demilitarization, and democratization; all that are integral to the call for peace and justice. More and more we see these convergences of struggles as important, if not indispensable, if we want to be able to swiftly and effectively take on and respond to the challenges of “unpeace” in our own territories, regionally and globally. The growing threats to just peace and human security are undoubtedly propped up by the continued domination and tyranny of elites and the deepening chasm between the people and those who claim to represent their interests and agenda.
In the present critical conjuncture, we see the inking of military agreements by states left and right, from the global North to the South — in the name of “peace and security” and “rules-based order.” However, in reality, this is done to facilitate further military spending and the sending of troops to the battlefields, as pawns to their geopolitical games and ‘forever wars’. At the time of tenuous “peace” and increasing tensions, the supposed solutions from the world leaders are greater militarization and geopolitical alliances: among others, the recently signed Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) between Japan and the Philippines as well as the earlier affirmed US-Japan-Philippines Trilateral Security Cooperation.
So, what does it mean to be a “soldier of peace” in a particularly difficult global peace and security landscape?
The UN Secretary-General (UNSG) António Guterres, in remarks to the General Assembly emphasized, “Peace can achieve wonders that wars never will. Wars destroy. Peace builds. But in today’s troubled world, building peace is a conscious, bold and even radical act. It is humanity’s greatest responsibility. That responsibility belongs to us all – individually and collectively. In this difficult and divided moment, let’s meet that obligation for today and future generations. Starting here. Starting now. For my part, I can guarantee that I will never give up pushing for peace.” In the document, “A New Agenda for Peace” UNSG Guterres further outlines his vision for how to strengthen multilateral action for peace.
アントニオ・グテーレス国連事務総長は、国連総会での演説で次のように強調しました「平和は、戦争が決して起こせないような奇跡を起こすことができる。戦争は破壊するが、平和は築き上げる。しかし、問題を抱えた今日の世界において、平和を築くことは、意識的で大胆でさらには過激な行為である。 それは人類にとって最大の責任である。その責任は、個々人としても集団的にも、われわれ全員にあるのだ。この困難で分断された時に、今日と未来の世代のためにその義務を果たそうではないか。ここから。今すぐに。私も、平和への探求を決してあきらめないことを約束したい」と。グテーレス事務総長は、「平和のための新たなアジェンダ」という文書の中で、平和のための多国間行動を強化する方法についてのビジョンをさらに詳しく述べています。
Why is it imperative that in our struggles, we continue walking together, singing and chanting in unison: Heiwa Koshin desu! (We are the Peace March!); our voices for peace and justice reverberating and growing louder each year?
闘いの最中でも、「平和行進です!」と唱和し、歌いながら私たちが歩み続けることが、なぜ不可欠なのでしょうか。 平和と正義を求める私たちの声が、年々響き渡り、大きくなっているのはなぜでしょうか。
On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we are called upon to be the source of strength and hope for a new generation that treads the charred soil of our homelands — as “Gens” (roots) — carrying forward the Hibakusha’s call for a global nuclear disarmament and weapons prohibition towards their total elimination. Let us join the campaign for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and demand that our governments ratify or accede to the TPNW, while encouraging other states to do so. Kakuheiki nakuso; kakuheiki iranai!
As the ongoing genocide of Gaza and the Palestinian people by the occupying power Israel rages into its 10th month, “now obfuscated and rationalized in legal language and technical debates”, we are called upon to demand for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, to oppose all forms of wars and their profiteers, and to challenge the broken international legal order that perpetrates colonial violence and collective punishment of an entire people. We denounce a world order that permits “domicide” — the destruction of homelands with the aim of eradicating the collective memory of Palestinians. Let us join the campus revolts of students and youth movements as they battle for peace, justice, and self-determination for Palestine. May we all be Palestinians in spirit. From the river to the sea; all of us shall be free.
With the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) declaring itself a global war machine — pushing for more armed solutions that drive more military spending (US$1.34 trillion in 2023) and emissions (233 million metric tonnes) at the expense of both people and the planet — let us make way for new imaginings, of communal and collective security system and framework based on trust, cooperation, and solidarity rather than acquiescing to more of the same from the warmongers and war profiteers. Let us join broad, multisectoral, and rainbow coalitions for peace and demilitarization. May we continue collectively weaving the tapestry of just and lasting peace. Mundo nating hati-hati; pag-isahin nating muli (Our divided world, let us reunite it).
北大西洋条約機構(NATO)が世界的な戦争マシーンであることを宣言し、人と地球の両方を犠牲にして、軍事費(2023年に1兆3,400億米ドル)と排出量(2億3,300万トン)を増加させ、さらなる武力による解決策を推し進めている今、私たちは、好戦主義者や戦争から利益を得る者たちが同じことを繰り返すのを黙認するのではなく、信頼、協力、連帯に基づく共同体による集団的な安全保障システムと枠組みについて、新たな想像の道を切り開かねばなりません。平和と非軍事化のために、広範で多部門にわたる虹の連合に参加しましょう。公正で永続的な平和のタペストリーを織り続けることができますように。Mundo nating hati-hati; pag-isahin nating muli(私たちの分断された世界を再統合しよう)。
As we continue to find ourselves in this continuous, seemingly unending states and cycles of calamity-trauma-despair-unpeace, perpetuated by belligerent forces and magnified by the injustices and violence of a broken system — may we, peace-loving peoples, be the catalyst of collective solidarity actions, and stark reminder to those in the corridors of power:
That we refuse to yield against the onslaught of the prevailing order of militarism, nuclear terror, patriarchy, cultural and structural violence, inequity, and indignity;
That we remain steadfast in our commitment to expressing, practicing, and realizing peoples’ alternatives from below that would address the roots of these crises — most urgently the crisis of humanity in our war-ravaged present and the climate emergency;
That, as the West Street Recovery grassroots movement puts it, “when our streets flood, we flood the streets.”

PEACE WAVES. The author (far left), with fellow Peace Marchers (from left to right): Maribel Hernández Sánchez (Elche, Spain), husband and wife tandem Ohmura-san (Aichi, Japan), Albert Lozada (Manila, Philippines), and Rex Alex (New York, United States of America). Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Japan. 2024 August 4. Photo by Galileo de Guzman Castillo.