
Freedom from Debt Coalition and Jubilee South Statement

We express our deepest sympathy and solidarity for the peoples of Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and many other South countries who are currently suffering from the devastation unleashed by the tsunami last December 26. We cannot overemphasize how profoundly saddened we are by the climbing death toll, numbering over 155,000 as of January 4, the many thousand others missing or injured, the destruction of property, the loss of livelihoods and the widespread dislocation of communities.

The Philippines was also severely hit by super-typhoons in the last few weeks, leading to the death of more than 1,000 people, the destruction of over 10,000 hectares of farmlands, and the rendering 53,000 families homeless and without access to clean water.

Now, more than ever, at their hour of greatest need, the peoples of the South must be heeded in their long-standing demand for debt cancellation. In the face of this massive destruction, northern and international creditors should not continue to hold South peoples in bondage for debts that have in large part, o­nly contributed to their impoverishment and deprivation.

If there is any measure of sincerity in the outpouring of compassion from North governments for the peoples of the South, let this be through concrete action. In addition to emergency relief operations and rehabilitation, what we need immediately is:


UNCONDITIONAL DEBT CANCELLATION NOW! Southern governments should not continue to prioritize debt service, and squander much needed public funds:


STOP PAYING o­nEROUS and ILLEGITIMATE DEBTS!  Prioritize relief and rehabilitation, basic social services, clean and safe water, and other human development programs!



If you would like to support this call, send an email with your name and organisation to Lidy Nacpil at Jubilee South, [email protected]





ASIA – Regional DAWN South East Asia, Gigi Francisco

ASIA – Regional International Gender and Trade Network – Asia, Gigi Francisco

ASIA – Regional ARENA , Jeannie Manipon, Executive Director

ASIA – Regional Focus o­n the Global South- India, Thailand and Philippines, Shalmali Guttal

ASIA/PACIFIC – Regional Asia Pacific Environmental Exchange, David Batker, Director

ASIA/PACIFIC – Regional Asia Pacific Forum o­n Women, Law and Development (APWLD)

ASIA/PACIFIC – Regional Coalition Against Trafficking in Women –Asia Pacific, Jean Enriquez, Dep. Director

ASIA/PACIFIC – Regional JS – APMDD (Asia Pacific Movement o­n Debt and Development)

ASIA/PACIFIC – Regional Network of Asia Pacific Youth (NAPY)


EUROPE European Network for the Recognition of Ecologica Debt – ENRED

EUROPE Vittorio Agnoletto, Member of the European Parliament (Italy)-GEU/NGL Group

EUROPE Feleknas Uca, Member of European Parliament

EUROPE Gabi Zimmer, Germany, Member of European Parliament

EUROPE Helmuth Markov, Germany, Member of European Parliament

INTERNATIONAL International Rivers Network, Peter Bosshard

INTERNATIONAL CADTM – Committee for the Abolition of the Third World Debt, Eric Toussaint

INTERNATIONAL World Council of Churches (WCC)

INTERNATIONAL Rogate Reuben Mshana, World Council of Churches

INTERNATIONAL Southern Peoples Ecological Debt Creditors Alliance (SPEDCA)


INTERNATIONAL Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas del Tercer Mundo, Cecilia Cherrez

Africa African Network for Environment and Economic Justice

Africa Ecowas  Network for Debt and Development(ECONDAD) 

Africa Jubilee  Campaign Nigeria

ANGOLA Jubilee 2000 Angola-LiJua, Benjamin Castelo


AUSTRALIA Australian Conservation Foundation

AUSTRALIA Friends of the Earth – Australia, Cam Walker

AUSTRALIA Sisters of Mercy, Brisbane, Australia

BANGLADESH ActionAid Bangladesh

BANGLADESH Advancing Public Interest Trust

BANGLADESH Bangladesh Krishok Federation, Badrul Alam, President

BANGLADESH BanglaPraxis – Dhaka, Bangladesh, Zakir Kibria

BANGLADESH Community Development Library – Dhaka, Mohiuddin Ahmad


BANGLADESH Society for Environment and Human Development (SEHD)

BANGLADESH Unnayan o­nneshan/The Innovators

BELGIUM 11.11.11 Coalition – Belgium, Pol Vandevoort

BELGIUM Proyekto Gato , Jan Capelle

BURMA/THAILAND Shan Women’s Action Network ( SWAN)

CANADA Blue Planet Project, Anil Naidoo

CANADA KAIROS:Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives,

Mary Corkery,Executive Director

CANADA Sammy Gamboa, Asia Program Officer, Canadian Human Rights Foundation,Canada

CANADA The Council of Canadians, Maude Barlow

COLOMBIA Censat Agua Viva (Friends of the Earth)

CONGO GRAPR et NAD, CATDM et Jubile/RDC, Victor Nzuzi

ECUADOR Accion Ecologica – Equador, Aurora Donosa

FIJI Ecumenical Center for Research Education and Advocacy (ECREA)

FINLAND Finnish Asiatic Society, Tove Selin, Chairperson

GERMANY ATTAC- Germany, Philipp Hersel and Angelika Shams

GERMANY Bread for the World, Campaign o­n the Human Right to Water

GERMANY Dorothee Menzner, German Socialist Party, PDS

GERMANY Dr. Hans-Ulrich Hofmann, Minister, Lutherian Congregation, Gnodstadt,

GERMANY FreyaPausewang,SangitaPausewang, AnilPausewang,Lora Pausewang

GERMANY German Peace Council, Hans-Peter Richter

GERMANY Lilo Lottermoser, PDS Hamburg

GERMANY Natalie Hilgendorff, Member, ATTAC and PDS Wkg. Grp

GERMANY Peter Silbereisen, Germany

GERMANY PROYDE – Germany, Javier Sanchez, Director

GERMANY Socialist Youth, Victor Perli, Speaker


GREECE CAMAPIGN GENOA 2001-GREECE, Petros Constantinou

HONGKONG Documentation for Action Groups in Asia (DAGA)

HONGKONG The Ecumenical Coalition o­n Tourism

INDIA Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti (BGVS), Vinod Raina

INDIA Center for Organization Research and Education (CORE), Roy Laifungbam

INDIA Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF)

INDIA Insaaf Internationa, Vineeta Gupta

INDIA Women’s Centre, Bombay

INDONESIA HEKS – Indonesia, Anna Marsiana


INDONESIA Involvement

INDONESIA Koalisi Anti Utang (KAU) – Indonesia

INDONESIA Praxis, Ayi Bunyamin

INDONESIA WALHI – Friends of the Earth Indonesia, Longena Ginting, Executive Director

IRAQ Jubilee Iraq, Justin Alexander

ISRAEL/PALESTINE Alternative Information Center – Connie Hackbarth, Director and

Michael Warschawski, Co-Chair

ITALY Observatorio Independiente sobre la Region Andina SELVAS.ORG,

Cristiano Morsolin

ITALY World March of Women – Italy, Paola Manduca

JAPAN ATTAC – Japan, Yoko Akimoto

JORDAN & PALESTINE Arab Group for the Protection of Nature, Razan Zuayter

KOREA All Together, South Korea

KOREA Globalize from Below, South Korea

KOREA Korean People’s Action Against FTAs and WTO (KoPA)

KYRGYZTAN Bureau o­n Human Rights and Rule of Law, Natalia Ablova,Director

MALAYSIA Group of Concerned Citizens, Malaysia

MALAYSIA Monitoring Sustainability of Globalization – Malaysia, Charles Santiago

MALAYSIA Socialist Party of Malaysia, S.Arutchelvan, Secretary-General

NEPAL Rural Reconstruction Nepal, Dr. Arjun Kharki, President

NEPAL Water and Energy Users Federation – Nepal

NETHERLANDS Bank Track, Johan Frijns, Coordinator

NETHERLANDS Transnational Institute, Brid Brennan, Pietje Vervest

NETHERLANDS XminusY Solidarity Fund, Peter Custers

NICARAGUA Centro de Estudios Internacionales

NIGER RNDD – NIGER, Oubandoma Salissou

PACIFIC Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Movement/Pacific Concerns Resource Centre

PACIFIC Pacific Network o­n Globalization (PANG), Shelly Emalin Rao, Director

PAKISTAN ActionAid Pakistan

PAKISTAN Creed Alliance Pakistan, Aly Ercelawn and M. Nauman

PAKISTAN Sarah Siddiqi, Karachi, Pakistan

PERU Ecovida, Nilton Deza

PHILIPPINES AKBAYAN Party List, Loreta Ann Rosales, Representative

PHILIPPINES Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL)

PHILIPPINES Confederation of Independent Unions in the Public Sector (CIU), Emako Naldoza

PHILIPPINES Cynthia Estrada

PHILIPPINES FDC-Dipolog, Tito Fiel

PHILIPPINES Fr. Briggs Odtohan, SVD

PHILIPPINES GITIB, Inc.-Ozamiz City, Allan Ramirez

PHILIPPINES Institute for Popular Democracy

PHILIPPINES Jasmin Nario-Galace


PHILIPPINES KAALAGAD Katipunang Kristiyano


PHILIPPINES MAKALAYA, Manggagawang Kababaihang Mithi ay Paglaya

PHILIPPINES Maria Lourdes Quisumbing-Baybay

PHILIPPINES PHILNET-RDI Visayas, Ramon Kahulugan

PHILIPPINES Reynaldo Enales

PHILIPPINES Sylvia Estrada-Claudio

PHILIPPINES Transparency and Accountability Network – Gensan

PHILIPPINES Young Moro Professionals Network

PHILIPPINES Philippine Global Exchange

PHILIPPINES Resource Center for People’s Development

PHILIPPINES Freedom from Debt Coalition – Philippines

SENEGAL Forum for African Alternatives – Dakar, Senegal, Demba Moussa Dembele

SOUTH AFRICA Dennis Brutus, Jubilee South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA AIDC – Alternative Information and Development Center, Brian Ashley,

SOUTH AFRICA Charles Abrahams, South Africa

SOUTH ASIA South Asian Solidarity for Rivers and Peoples (SARP), Nepal

SPAIN Observatorio dela Deuda enla Globalizacion, Barcelona, Spain

SPAIN Red Ciudadana por la Abolicion, Spain

SPAIN Joan Martinez-Alier, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

SPAIN Comite de Apoyo al MST de Barcelona

SPAIN Moviementos Sociales de Esquerra, Antonio Arnau Carillo de Albornoz

SPAIN Unida del Pais Valencia

SPAIN Monitors Cooperants d’Olot

SRI LANKA Center for Environmental Justice, Hemantha Withanage, Executive Director


SWITZERLAND Hans Brintzinger

UK Bishop Bernardino Mandlate, UK

UK Bretton Woods Project – UK, Jeff Powell, Coordinator

UK One World Action, Andy Rutherford

UK Padre Jacinto Pio Wacussanga

UK Interconnect, Peter and Gail Mott, Co-Editors

UK Roger Moody

UK Down to Earth- The International Campaign for Ecological Justice in Indonesia

USA 50 years is Enough

USA Africa Action – USA, Salih Booker, Executive Director

USA African Services Committee, Kim Nichols, Executive Director

USA Alliance for Justice, Medical Mission Sisters – North America, Janet Gottschalk

USA American Jewish World Service, Washington, DC, Jacob Fain

USA April M. Hurley, MD

USA Asia Pacific Environmental Exchange

USA Bay Area Jubilee Debt Cancellation Coalition

USA Center for Economc Justice, Beverly Bell

USA Citizens’ Network o­n Essential Services (CNES), Nancy Alexander

USA Holy Cross International Justice Office, Mary Turgi, CSC, Director

USA Jubilee USA Network, Neil Watkins, Co-Coordinator

USA Jubilee Virgina Chapter – USA, Cheryl Duckworth

USA Jubilee York – PA, USA, Abbey Fisher

USA JW Smith – The Institute for Economic democracy

USA Leadership Conference of Women Religious (USA)

USA Nicaragua Center for Community Action

USA Nigaragua Network, Katherine Hoyt, National Co-Coordinator

USA NY Cispes- Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador

USA PDHRE, Peoples Movement for Human Rights Learning,

Minar Pimple, Executive Director

USA Sisters of the Holy Cross- Congregation Justice Committee, Notre Dame

USA Stephen Kretzmann

USA Sustainable Energy & Economy Network – USA, Daphne Wysham

USA Sustainable Energy and Economy Network, Daphne Wysham

USA United Church of Christ (USA) Network for Environmental & Economic

Responsibility, Rev. Douglas B. Hunt

USA US Network for Global Economic Justice

USA Washington Office o­n Africa – USA, Jennifer Davis, Interim Executive Director

USA Water for All Campaign, Public Citizen, Sara Grusky

USA Nicaragua-US Friendship Office, Rita Clark

ZIMBABWE Zimbabwe Coalition o­n Debt and Development – Zimbabwe, David Malungisa

Nancy S. Lovejoy