Editor s Note

Welcome to a special issue of the Asian Village Zine titled “Free Palestine!”, which is dedicated to the historical struggle of Palestinians in light of the escalating attacks by Israel. This issue endeavors to introduce readers to the diverse musical landscape that has emerged in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

It is crucial to acknowledge that narratives surrounding Palestine are as diverse as the people who call it home. This zine does not claim to be exhaustive, but rather seeks to be a catalyst for further exploration and understanding. We encourage you to engage critically with the content presented here, recognizing the complexities inherent in the struggle for social justice and emancipation.

We invite you to consider the intersections of music and activism, contemplating how artists, through their craft, become both storytellers and advocates for change. As you traverse these pages, reflect on the role music plays in fostering resilience, building bridges, and amplifying the call for a more just and equitable future. May these songs serve as a bridge, connecting us across borders and reminding us of the universality of peoples’ struggles. The dialogue and reflection inspired by these musical narratives are integral to understanding the nuances of the Palestinian struggle. May the visuals and lyrics resonate with you, and lead to a greater appreciation of the strength and heroism that define the Palestinian spirit.

In solidarity,
The Asian Village Zine Editorial Team


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