Under: Asia/World, Climate & Environment, Publications
Here is the latest Focus on the Global South newsletter tackling the most important issues in COP 21, and beyond. Shalmali Guttal writes that the climate justice struggle should be linked to rights struggles because the communities are at the forefront fighting vs “mining, oil & gas drilling, large dams, fracking, land & water grabbing, deforestation, luxury property development.” Walden Bello unmasks the Paris negotiations & “folly of INDCs” while Pablo Solon exposes why the ’emperor has no clothes’–because the Cancun & Paris agreements have no real mechanisms for enforceability. Joseph Purugganan, Afsar Jafri, Niabdulghafar Tohming, and Galileo Castillo critique the INDCs communicated by the Phils., India, Thailand. #COP21andBeyond #FocusinParis