
Author: admin

Reconstruction : an emerging paradigm

By Shalmali Guttal * Over the past two decades, post-war or post-conflict reconstruction has emerged as the essential framework for establishing neo-liberal policy regimes in newly liberated nations (such as Timor Leste),...

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50 Years is enough Statement

Two members of the 50 Years Is Enough Network South Council (an advisory body made up of close allies in the struggles against the IMF and World Bank) have had their lives threatened in the Philippines. The names of Walden Bello...

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Reforma Agraria en el FSM 2005

Organização: Via Campesina Movimento Sem Terra (MST) Land Research Action Network (LRAN) Global Campaign for Agrarian Reform Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos Focus on the Global South Centro de...

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