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Jayati Ghosh*   It is now clear that the prolonged party for international finance capital is over, at least for now. The US financial structure is crumbling, possibly even collapsing. The collapse of the major Wall Street...

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Leaning on the state

C. P. Chandrasekhar*   To the superstitious, recent developments in global financial markets were possible reminders that the Ides of March had arrived. To the more rational, they proved once again that finance capital,...

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Challenges and dilemmas of the public intellectual

walden award

Challenges and dilemmas of the public intellectual

By Walden Bello*

(Excerpts from acceptance speech at the Outstanding Public Scholar Award Panel, International Studies Association, 49th Annual Convention, San Francisco, California, March 27, 2008. Bello was the second recipient of the award, the first being Dr. Susan George in 2007. Members of the panel honoring Bello were George; Dr. Richard Falk, professor emeritus at Princeton University; Dr. Robin Broad, professor at American University, and Dr.Barry Gills, professor at the University of Newcastle.)


I would like, first of all, to say that I am very grateful to the International Political Economy Section of the International Studies Association for this award. I am very, very honored by the generous comments of Barry [Gills], Robin [Broad], Richard [Falk] and Susan [George]. And it really is an honor to be in the company of Susan, the first person to be given this award. Let me just say that, especially in comparison to Susan, I am not really sure that I am the best person to be named ISA’s Outstanding Public Scholar for 2008, though I think I would consider myself a public intellectual or, as the French say, intellectuel engage-that is, one who marries analysis to action, or at least tries to.

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