
Author: admin

Number 77, April 2002

IN THIS ISSUE of Focus o­n Trade we examine (and, of course, participate in) the delicate interplay between this thing called “civil society” and the dominant classes. Or, to put it another way, the making and...

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Number 76, April 2002

IN THIS ISSUE of Focus o­n Trade, we report o­n the just completed Peace Mission to the southern Philippine regions of Zamboanga and Basilan. The fourteen-member team, which spent five days in the field and released its...

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A ‘Second Front’ in the Philippines

by Walden Bello Manila The Bush Administration’s opening of a so-called second front against terrorism in the Philippines has stunned people here with its swiftness. Less than three weeks after the decision was jointly...

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The pain of Palestine

April 15th 2002 Ibrahim Assad welcomes us to his stone house in Taybeh, a small village outside Jenin, saying that he is as old as Israel. “I was born in 1948 and married in 1973, the year of the Yom Kippur war. In all...

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In the Name of Terror

By Marco Mezzera One of the most tangible and determinant consequences of the September 11 events has been the overbearing entrance of the concepts of terror and terrorism into the common language. Treated by most as pure and...

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By Victoria Brittain Guardian, 1 April 2002 Ita Ajarul, a copra farmer, got up before dawn as usual and went to the well to wash in preparation for prayers two Sundays ago. But he never made it home. According to his wife,...

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By Jeremy Brecher, Dennis Brutus, Tim Costello, and Brendan Smith* International investors have imposed their will on the world by means of a “creditors cartel”-embodied in the IMF, the World Bank, the G-7/8, and...

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Number 75, March 2002

THE ROAD TO MONTERREY PASSES THROUGH WASHINGTONMonterrey, Mexico is the venue for next week's Financing for Development Conference. Monterrey is the capital of o­ne of the country's most prosperous states, Nuevo...

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