March 27 Tuesday

Morning (9.30 am – 12am) Slot 1 – Auditorium TBC
Confronting climate change in the Maghreb, Mashreq and all over the world: What went wrong and how to overcome this situation? 

Afternoon (1.30 pm – 4 pm) Slot 2 – Auditorium TBC
Fighting fossil fuels and extractive industries to build new alternatives

Afternoon (4.30 pm – 7 pm) Slot 3 – Auditorium TBC
Food sovereignty, agroecology and slow food as solutions to climate change

March 28 Wednesday

Morning (9.30 am – 12am) Slot 1 – Auditorium TBC
False Solutions: Agrofuels, Industrial Bioenergy, nuclear energy, GMOs, Synthetic Biology, Geo-engineering 

Morning (9.30 am – 12am) Slot 1 – Room X TBC
Migrations and Climate Change

Afternoon (1.30 pm – 4 pm) Slot 2 – Auditorium TBC
Commodification and Financialization of Nature: Green Economy, Carbon Markets & REDD and new threats for water and other commons

Afternoon (1.30 pm – 4 pm) Slot 2 – Room X TBC 
Climate Jobs Now!: Organizing Campaigns for Transitioning to Low Carbon Economies

Afternoon (4.30 pm – 7 pm) Slot 3 – Auditorium TBC
Systemic alternatives: “Vivir Bien”, rights of nature, commons, happiness index, and others 

Afternoon (4.30 pm – 7 pm) Slot 3 – Auditorium TBC
No REDD! Teach-In

March 29 Thursday

Morning (9.30 am – 12am) Slot 1 – Auditorium TBC
Strengthening the People’s Resistance to Free Trade and Corporate power: On the Road to System Change. A Forum and Strategy Session on Challenging FTAs, the WTO and the Power of TNCs

Morning (9.30 am – 12am) Slot 1 – Room X TBC
Geoengineering: resisting climate manipulation

Afternoon (1.30 pm – 4 pm) Slot 2 – Auditorium TBC
Faith communities, Mother Earth and militarization of climate

Afternoon (1.30 pm – 4 pm) Slot 2 – Room X TBC 
The vital cycles of water and climate change: between the melting of glaciers, freshwater shortages and floods.