Under: Asia/World, Feature, Food Sovereignty and Agroecology, Opinion/Analysis, Publications

A dossier by Focus on the Global South

A perfect storm is brewing in the global food system, pushing food prices to record high levels, and expanding hunger. The continuing fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine War, climate-related disasters and a breakdown of supply chains have led to widespread protests across the global South triggered by the spiraling food prices and shortages.

As international institutions struggle to respond, some governments have resorted to knee-jerk ‘food nationalism’ by placing export bans to preserve their own food supplies and stabilise prices. While this is an understandable defensive response, the solution lies in a more systemic, transformative approach.

In this dossier, researchers from Focus on the Global South write about various aspects of the current crisis, its causes, and how it is impacting countries in Asia. These include regional analysis, case studies from Sri Lanka, Philippines and India, the role of corporations in fuelling the crisis and the flawed responses of international institutions such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the Bretton Woods Institutions and United Nations agencies. We also attempt to present national, regional and global aspects of a progressive and systemic solution as articulated by communities, social movements and researchers at multiple levels.

Articles included in this dossier:

  • Is the Global Value Chain Breaking Up? The “Perfect Storm” and the Crisis of Capitalist Agriculture by Walden Bello
  • Southeast Asia and South Asia in the Grip of the Food Crisis by Bianca Martinez and Raphael Baladad
  • Famine, Food, Fertilizer, Fuel, Finance: The Intersectional Crises of the Ukraine War by Anuradha Chenoy
  • India in the Present Global Food Crisis : A Myopic Approach towards Public Stockholding of Foodgrains by Ranjini Basu
  • Agribusiness’ Solution to the Food Crisis: More of the Same by Joseph Purugganan
  • Sri Lanka: a cautionary tale of authoritarian neoliberalism by Benny Kuruvilla
  • Pro-Corporate Multilateralism and Food Insecurity by Shalmali Guttal

Download the Dossier here.