Under: About, Publications

Our Vision for 2012-2014

The emblematic centrepiece of Focus work will be Whose New Asia? Understanding the political, economic, social and ecological challenges of the New Asia; building resistances, alternatives and solidarity

Over the next three years Focus will produce and co-produce research and analysis; publish and popularize the resulting output; support contextualised political formation, education and training for emerging movements; engage media and policy makers and convene like-minded groups as well as forums bringing together diverse voices around common themes.

The focus of these activities will be the New Asia, in particular how the growing economic political and military powers of China and India are shaping and impacting the region, in terms of class and social structures, political and economic processes and institutions, as well as ecological systems, natural resources and the commons.

The aim of these activities is to strengthen the capacities of poor, marginalised and struggling sectors to understand, articulate and advocate for practices, policies and institutions that support long-term socially just and ecologically sustainable societies.

The approach will be trans-border, multi-disciplinary and multi-level. The viewpoint will be “from below” aiming to generate a Global South perspective, firmly grounded in local realities and with a strong crosscutting social, gender and ecological justice perspective.