As China continues to play an increasingly important and more powerful role in the global political economy and especially in Asia, the more interest it generates from various sectors. There is now a growing awareness in civil society organisations and movements everywhere that they have to deeply understand, address and engage with the enigma that is China. Since June 2005, Focus on the Global South has been providing information and analysis about China and contributing to positive changes in China through assisting civil society organizations there to become more aware of progressive discourses and be more integrated with global civil society initiatives.


  • To explain the role and impacts of China in the changing global dynamics to activists and the public;
  • To contribute in the task of deepening of understanding about the connection between the crisis of overproduction and its consequences (economic, food and ecological crisis) and the realities in China to Chinese audience;
  • To contribute to the strengthening of Chinese civil society.
  • To strengthen solidarity partnership with progressive actors in China and facilitate their participation and inclusion in global social justice initiatives.