Statement delivered by First Secretary Anne Havn
19. Jul 2024


As the horrors in Gaza continue, following the terror attack by Hamas on Israel 7 October – which Norway has strongly condemned – we are reminded that there still is no ceasefire; the Israeli hostages are still in captivity; and the humanitarian situation remains catastrophic.

The series of recent attacks across Gaza, notably in Gaza city and in the Mawasi area in Khan Younis – a designated “safe zone” – have killed and injured hundreds of civilians, including children and rescue workers. There are no places in Gaza to find reprieve from the ongoing atrocities.

The civilian population must be protected. Any presence of Palestinian armed groups among civilians in violation of international humanitarian law, does not exempt Israel from complying with the principles of proportionality, distinction and precaution.

We remind all parties of resolution 2735; their obligations under international law; and the ICJ provisional measures, including the obligation to facilitate and provide humanitarian aid. We remain very concerned about the hostages still in Gaza, the conditions they are held under, and reports of mistreatment. We call for their immediate and unconditional release.

In the West Bank, more than 540 Palestinians have been killed since 7 October. Almost 1400 people have been displaced due to settler violence and access restrictions. We are seeing daily harassment, intimidation and violent assaults by settlers towards the civilian Palestinian population. Israel has a legal obligation to protect civilians and hold perpetrators to account.

In its advisory opinion rendered today the International Court of Justice is crystal clear: Israeli policies and practices are to be considered annexation of large parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. This is in violation of international law and must come to an end. This is an unequivocal message to Israel, which we expect them to comply with immediately.

Recent decisions by Israel in the West Bank, such as transferring power from IDF to a Civil Administration, appropriating land as “state land”; and “legalising” illegal outposts are creating new facts on the ground. These decisions, held together with Israel’s decades-long policy of dispossession, land confiscation, house demolitions and establishing illegal settlements undermine efforts for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and threaten regional stability. Norway condemns any action aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the territory occupied since 1967.

The Palestinian people have a right to self-determination. They deserve a well-functioning Palestinian government, with the ability to deliver services and pay salaries. We urge Israel to release all Palestinian clearance revenues and maintain corresponding bank relations. We encourage donors to increase their support to the PA.


We remain very concerned about the thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli detention, a majority held without charges, as well as reports of widespread ill-treatment and abuse.

We also remain deeply worried about the regional situation, including on the Israeli Lebanese border. Northern Israel has been under constant attacks from Hezballah since October. Civilians are also suffering from Israeli attacks in South-Lebanon. De-escalation is urgently needed, so the many thousands of evacuated civilians can return home safely.

In closing,

In May, Norway recognised the State of Palestine. This followed from our long-held commitment to the two-state solution, as the only viable way to freedom, peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.

If we want to see the realisation of the two-state solution, we must commit to taking concrete and irreversible steps towards this end. Recognition is one such step. Norway hopes others will follow and look forward to discussions on this matter in the time to come.


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