Built for whom?

by | Oct 16, 2018 |

A slideshow on key point raised at the Public Forum on Infrastructure during the #WorldBeyondBanks protest activities against the International Monetary Fund and World Bank annual meeting in Bali, Indonesia. The forum took place on 12 October 2018.

Maarten Bakker of Centre for Research on Multinational Organizations (SOMO), speaking on the Kuala Tanjung Port, a project by Pelindo I (Indonesia, state-owned) with the Port of Rotterdam (Netherlands) and DP World (United Arab Emirates) under-construction in Batubara Regency, North Sumatra:

The activity is organized by Kesatuan Nelayan Tradisional Indonesia (KNTI); Serikat Petani Indonesia (SPI); Focus on the Global South (Focus); Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD); Centre for Financial Accountability (CFA); International Planning Committee on Food Sovereignty – Working Group on Land and Territory; Society for International Development (SID); European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad); Latin American Network on Debt, Development, and Rights (Latindad); Oakland Institute; and Centre for Research on Multinational Organizations (SOMO).